
Jan van Eyck Academie

Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production

Fine Art, Design, Theory



Deadline: 15 April 2010

Artists, designers and theoreticians are invited to submit research and production proposals to become a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie. Candidates can either apply with a topic of their own or for a project formulated by the institute itself. In order to realise these projects, the Jan van Eyck offers the necessary made-to-measure artistic, technical and auxiliary preconditions.


The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production in the fields of fine art, design and theory. Every year, 48 international researchers realise their individual or collective projects in the artistic and critical environment that is the Jan van Eyck. In doing so, they are advised by a team of artists, designers and theoreticians who have won their spurs globally. The researchers can also avail themselves of facilities that support their projects from first concept to public presentation. All in all, the Jan van Eyck offers artists, designers and theoreticians time and space to do research and realise productions, either about topics of their own choosing or as part of a project formulated by the institute itself. 

Multi-Disciplinary Research

Artists, designers and theoreticians at the Jan van Eyck Academie work alongside each other and establish cross-disciplinary exchange. The academy is not led by predetermined leitmotivs. Artists, designers and theoreticians can submit independently formulated proposals for research and/or production in the departments of Fine Art, Design and Theory. They can also participate in research projects formulated by the departments (please see 

The research projects, miscellaneous in nature, make the Jan van Eyck a multi-disciplinary institute. This also shows in the programme of the institute. Researchers, departments and the institute organise various weekly activities, to which special speakers are invited: lectures, seminars, workshops, screenings, exhibitions, discussions, ... The Jan van Eyck community and external interested parties are welcome to attend this programme. The result is a dynamic and critical exchange between the different agents from within and outside of the Jan van Eyck.


Researchers are advised by a team of artists, designers and theoreticians who have won their spurs globally. They receive their own studio and a stipend. Furthermore, researchers can make use of all kinds of facilities which support their projects, from first concept to public presentation, including the library, the documentation centre and various workshops: materials (wood and other materials); time-based productions; analogue and digital (online and offline) publishing (including photography and silkscreen). They can also get assistance with their print work, the editing and distribution of publications and the publicity of events.


Candidates applying for Fine Art, Design or Theory are asked to propose an individual research project. They can also indicate their interest in participating in one of the projects that are offered by the department of their choice or one of the other departments.

The academic year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Research candidates can apply for a one-year or two-year research period starting annually on 1 January. It is also possible to apply to do research for a different period and with a different starting date. 

More information about the application procedure can be found at, button ‘applications'.

More info

Please visit our website at for more information and for the upcoming series of video messages by Kim de Groot, designer of the JVE 2010 recruitment campaign. 

For questions and more information on the application procedure, please contact Leon Westenberg at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or +31 (0)43 3503724.

For questions relating to the Jan van Eyck Academie in general, please contact Ankie Bosch at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or +31 (0)43 3503721.


Fine Art 

The Fine Art department offers a unique space for experimentation, production, reflection and debate. Researchers conduct their artistic research in an environment that encourages questioning of the assumptions, forms, meanings and contexts that are tied to the practice of making art today. The Fine Art department welcomes artists, individuals and groups, without stipulating conditions regarding form, content and media. Artistic practice is supported by a programme of events and sustained conversations organised by the researchers and advising researchers, according to their interests. 

Advising researchers:

Hans-Christian Dany, Imogen Stidworthy, Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi


The Design department focuses on design as research, design as discourse and design as publishing. It initiates and supports research projects in the areas of cultural and corporate identity, mapping, print and new media publishing, urban and regional identity, and book design. The department expressly solicits individual designers to propose and carry out their own research in exchange with the institute's array of events and presentations. Whereas the department formerly focused on graphic and communication design, it has widened its scope to include spatial, product and service design. 

Advising Researchers:

John Palmesino, Florian Schneider, Daniel van der Velden


The Theory department at the Jan van Eyck Academie is an international platform for reflection and research. Its mission is to create the opportunity for outstanding researchers to explore alternative ways of shaping their intellectual horizons by providing a stimulating environment for critical inquiry and intense debate. The Theory department welcomes applications from researchers of unusual promise who pursue their artistic and intellectual view of the interface of critical theory, philosophy, aesthetics, psychoanalysis and the visual arts. Candidates can associate with one of the research projects of the department. Applications not or only indirectly related to the research projects will be considered on equal terms.

Advising researchers:

Katja Diefenbach, Mladen Dolar, Dominiek Hoens