4rd International Symposium for Sculptors, 
Theme: Feuer – Wasser – Erde - Luft
Deadline participation: September 15, 2014

Within the context of the 9th "Linderner Kulturwochen" the 4rd International Symposium for Sculptors will take place from 12th June to 28th June, 2015.

The community of Lindern is looking for four international artists who shall work with stone, wood or metal in the centre of the community of Lindern.
The artists should arrive up to 11th June, 2015. During the "Kulturwochen" the artists have to be present at Lindern. The "Kulturwochen" will end on 28th July, 2015. According to the agreement travelling expenses could be possibly paid by Lindern community. The artists will be accommodated full board in a hotel in Lindern. This will be arranged by the organizer. In principle the artists will have the evenings at their own disposal, but the organizer will arrange meetings in the evenings to support contact between artists and inhabitants of Lindern.

The work to be created should have a close relation to the given theme of the “Kulturwochen”.
According to the agreement with the community of Lindern material which is needed will be made available.
With their application interested artists should inform the community if they want to work with stone, wood or metal.
The community will help to put up heavy blanks in Lindern.
The artists have to bring their own tools but will be supplied with electricity, compressed air and water.

The artists will get 2.000€ for their work.
During the "Kulturwochen" the participating artists will have the opportunity to present and sell more of their work. Work produced during the "Kulturwochen" will stay as a perpetual lease in Lindern. After the symposium Lindern will present and make an exhibition of sculptures within the community. (Path of sculptures)

Further information about the "Linderner Kulturwochen" and the symposium can be found at

Letters of application with more informative material on up to now works and exhibitions should be sent to:

Gemeinde Lindern
Stichwort: Bildhauersymposium 2015
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If you want more information please contact the head of the "Kulturwochen" Herr Volkmar Grigull, phone 05957/1619 or email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..