Curators on sculpture today
Call for curators, to submit a statment on sculpture today and name active artists in their country of residence, who illustrate their ideas.

Call open to sculpture network members and non members, living in Europe


Application deadline: 15 November 2013

To mark its 10-year anniversary, sculpture network will publish curators' thoughts on sculpture being made in Europe today. Publication will take place throughout 2014. We are offering 10 selected curators a platform to promote themselves and their ideas, to a specific target audience of around 20,000 art professionals, artists, mediators, collectors and friends of the arts in Europe and beyond.

Each of the selected will be promoted as Curator of the Month at a given time in 2014. Their presented proposals and a video statement will be featured throughout the sculpture network platform: webpage, newsletter, social media channels (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn) and mailings, in three languages: English, German and Spanish, with sculpture network undertaking the translation. The project will be presented to the public via Video Live Stream, Europe wide, on 19 January 2014, during sculpture network's European annual sculpture celebration, nyb'14. Additionally we are looking for funding to create a small publication about this project.

Selection is by an international jury and only proposals that comply to the format requested, will be considered. Please read the following carefully before submitting your proposal.

How to apply:
We invite curators, currently living in Europe, to submit the following in English:

- Name, address, email, contact telephone number, country of birth and current working city/country
- A brief summary of your curatorial practice during the past 5 years and a portrait photo
- A written text expounding your ideas on sculpture today, in no more than 500 words, in a Word document
- A list of 5 to 10 active artists in your country, whose work illustrates your described ideas on sculpture
- A selection of 4 images of works by your listed artists' sculptures, made within the last 5 years with agreed copyright and photo credits

Please send queries and proposals by email to Beatriz Blanch: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Application deadline: 15 November 2013

Please feel free to forward this call to colleagues in the profession.