
Saksala ArtRadius in Finland is planning the symposium INSTALLATIONS in the CHILDREN’S LABYRINTH 28th of February 2010.

Artists can apply to do a research and creation residency at the Saksala ArtRadius centre within the Children's Labyrinth project. The deadline fro the call is February 28, 2010

The symposium will take place during May 15 - 31 2010. Selected artists have

- free lodging in the art center based on two persons a studio

- free meals

- compensation of the travel costs with a maximum of 150€ based on receipts

- a fee of 450€ paid after the symposium

- publication on the website

The proposal for the symposium has to be based on the idea that children will get an inviting and inspiring environment in which they safely can play and discover. The installations have to be constructed with the material available in the forest.

Artists can send an application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 The application has to include:

1. Artist CV

2. 2 - 5 images about works relevant for the application (maximum size 600x800 pixels 72 dpi)

3. description of the idea for the CHILDREN'S LABYRINTH

4. a signed guarantee that by selecting the artist will except the invitation and participate from May 15 until May 31 2010

We look forward to the applications!

Marja de Jong