
Deadline: November 2nd 2009


The Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes in partnership with the emerging creation programme of the International festival of audiovisual programmes - FIPA - of Biarritz launch a new call for applications.

This sixth selection, presented within the framework of the 23rd edition of FIPA, in Biarritz, will be particularly careful to the young artists regard on the current world and the stakes of tomorrow.


Fictions, creative documents, animation, dance videos, video art and all forms of digital expression are invited to participate in this selection whose mission is to give a comprehensive overview of this trend, created by a young generation of artists participating in the rise of new expressions. 


Conditions to participate:Only 1 video per artist, maximum 12 minutes. DVD support in .avi or .mov format.The video must be sent with the application form available in our website , to the following address: 


Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes

Domaine national de Saint-Cloud

BP 80132

92216 Saint-Cloud Cedex 


The selected videos will be presented as part of a section of emerging creation in the FIPA in Biarritz between January 26th and 31st 2010. 


Deadline: November 2, 2009 (date as marked in the post mark). All video received after the November 4, 2009 won't be accepted. 


 More information: