
Submit your Art Work on-line to be reviewed by our international panel of judges

The Amsterdam Light Festival invites artists, designers, engineers and architects to submit ideas for Art Works to be staged at the festival's 2014 - 2015 edition. The third edition of the Amsterdam Light Festival will take place in the city centre of Amsterdam in December 2014 and January 2015. The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2014.

Theme: 'A Bright City'
We celebrate The Life in the City and will showcase Art Works that offer a new and unexpected view on Amsterdam, its history, its architecture, its entrepreneurial spirit, its people and its future.

Our Theme is this year 'A Bright City', calling for Art Works that are a statement on today’s metropolis, our urban lifestyle, and the incredible relevance of cities to the advancement of human culture. Cities are places where people broaden their mind and learn from the past as well as about the future.

This edition the festival will further differentiate its 'Water Colours' boat tour and the 'Illuminade' city walk. Water Colors comprises of larger, colourful, monumental works while the Illuminade offers a platform for young talent, experimentation, interaction and mixed forms of art and digital technology.

Open to All
With the call for concepts, the festival invites anyone to submit individual interpretations of the theme 'A Bright City'.

More information about the submission requirements can be found on our