Every year, exceptionally qualified and gifted artists, primarily of the younger generation, working in the disciplines of painting, sculpture and photography can apply for participation in the Lepsien Art Foundation’s international grant programme. The grant programme is intended as a means of giving artists the opportunity for an intensive encounter with art, active exchange and further artistic development within a community of selected artists.

Applicants must present proof of having completed their studies at a recognized art academy and already have received initial public acknowledgement in their discipline (e.g. exhibitions, publications, etc.). Art students may not participate in the grant programme. The grant runs for a duration of twelve months (two semesters) from 1 September to 31 August of the following year. Apart from a funded studio in Düsseldorf, the grant encompasses the publication of a limited artist’s edition as well as an extensive four-colour annual catalogue appearing in conjunction with an exhibition of the grant recipients’ work at the end of the grant year. In the period from April to July 2012, all artists fulfilling the aforementioned criteria may apply to the Lepsien Art Foundation by sending a digital portfolio containing a CV, index of exhibitions and an overview of his/her works

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