
Deadline: September 22, 2012
Call for artists 24th Contest Of Plastic Arts
First prize Euro 1.000.

Every author can participate in this 24º Contest of plastic arts Miguel Gonzalez Sandoval 2012 with original works, not winning in other contests. The theme, technique and aesthetic tendency will be free, as the number of the introduced works. The maximum dimensions allowed for the painting are of 61x50 cms., excluding the frame. About the sculpture, the dimension of the bigger side won't have to exceed the 70 cms neither its weight the 50 kgs.


The works must be introduced signed and ready for their exhibition.

Please attach an envelope containing the following documentation: Title of the work, technical data, dimension, author, address, telephone, e-mail, copy of a document of identity and brief CV, and one photo for every introduced work.

The works can be sent from the 10th to the 22nd of September 2012.

The jury will communicate the result of the selections after15 days.

Delivery of the works to the following address:

Sala Municipal de Exposiciones El Bailio, C/ Blas Infante, s/n (41440 LORA DEL RIO) SEVILLA, ESPANA

De NKvB hanteert is principieel tegen deelname aan wedstrijden en prijsvragen. We houden  bij externe expositiemogelijkheden altijd zoveel mogelijk vast aan het keurmerk. Let goed op wanneer je aan deze manifestatie deelneemt en zorg er voor dat je als professional altijd voor je werkzaamheden betaald wordt (honorarium, transport, stageld).