
Deadline: January 5, 2012
Prize money: Euro 1.500

“Mine d’Art en Sentier” is a path of artistic installations presenting works linked to the particularities of the Nord-Pas de Calais mining Basin environment and heritage. The works are set-up along walking or cycling circuits in the Pays de Condé area, France, along the Belgium border, the site of the discovery of the first coal seam in the region. French and foreign artists with experience in “Land Art” can participate to the competition. Theme: Nature, Art and Mining Heritage.

Specifications: The works will be created between Saturday 26th May and Saturday 9th June 2012 at the latest. The artists will work in situ in direct contact with the residents of the area and potential visitors. The works will have a lifespan of 3 months dating from the date of their installation.

Materials: Free technique favouring materials found on site or which have a clear link with the specificities of the mining area (schist, steel, wood, stone, landscapes, heritages…). The artist is free to choose all types of materials respecting the environment of the site. The purchase of materials will be taken care of by the organizer. Remuneration: Each artist will receive Euro 1500 for the creation of their artistic project. Accommodation and catering are taken care of by the organizer for the period of residence. Transport costs are paid up to €0.50/km for artists travelling by car. For artists travelling by train or plane, the travel expenses will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. The limit is Euro 1000.