Deadline: 12/30/2011
Where: Cádiz, Spain
Prize money: Euro 12.000
VI Ibero-American Prize for Artistic Creation Contemporary "Juan Luis Vasallo" Cortes de Cádiz.

The Hon. Cadiz City Council calls for artists for its sixth edition of the American Award for Contemporary Artistic Creation "Juan Luis Vasallo" Cortes de Cádiz. This initiative is part of Cádiz organized acts as Latin American Capital of Culture 2012 and to commemorate the Bicentennial of the Constitution of 1812.

Every adult person of any nationality can participate, with a maximum of two works.

The works must be original, will not infringe rights of third parties and shall not have been awarded in other contests. Both the theme and style of each work is free. Nor will require measurement or length limitations (in the case of video art).

The work may be adjusted to compete with all the languages of creation: Support painting, sculpture, installation, printmaking, photography, video, drawing, etc..

The presentation will be done in two ways: via online or physical delivery. (Bases for physical delivery [PDF])
Online Presentation: The works will be uploaded to the page in a single file in ZIP format, entering on the 'Join'. In the digital envelope, attach the author's data (name, full address, email and phone) and the curriculum (PDF). Also you can upload one PDF file in the data sheet (graphic and written documentation) of the work.

Regardless of the mode of presentation, the jury may require the physical presence of the finalists for final assessment.

The jury will consist of the mayor of the Hon. Cadiz City Council, acting as president or the person in whom she delegates, a representative of the Hon. City of Cadiz, who shall serve as secretary / a, both with voice but no vote and three members of recognized prestige in the field of contemporary artistic creation, whose names will be announced in due course.

The jury will be announced before March 19, 2012. The award will be made at a public event with a date determined by the Hon. City of Cadiz.

The / s work / s prize / s will be considered / n as a donation to the city of Cadiz.

Public exhibition and online

The City Council reserves the power to make a public exhibition with the finalists. All participating work may be published on the internet, reviewing his own and features, once known the jury's verdict. However, this publication will not be required by the City.

phone: +34-956-288296
fax: +34-956-288290

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