
sculpture network Experience Northern Germany

25th - 27th September 2012
in the region of Hamburg and Bremen

Registration deadline: 1st September 2012

Participation fee: members Euro 495, non-members Euro 595 (see below)

Stand Up For Sculpture – See more, experience more, achieve more together! In accordance with our motto, we offer you this year a sculpture journey through Northern Germany. Guided by a well-known art historian, you will be in close contact with art collectors, artists and art dealers.

Enjoy the cuisine of Northern Germany with its specialties and relax at sundown at the North Sea. We look forward to seeing you there!

The program is organised by Dr. Jürgen Fitschen M.A. who will also accompany the tour.

Dr. Fitschen is an art historian and since 2012 Managing Director and owner of “das kunstwerk –  galerie / handlung / akademie” in Stade. He was for many years the Director of the Gerhard-Marcks-House, which is on the travel programme, Director of the State Museum for Art and Cultural History, as well as a member of the Board of the Foundation Schleswig-Holstein State Museum, Schloss Gottorf in Schleswig. On the basis of this background, our diverse programme was devised around the Hamburg and Bremen areas.

Program Overview

Tuesday 25 September

Wednesday 26 September

Thursday 27 September

  • Visit of the Art Studio of Waldemar Otto

  • Kunsthalle Bremen
    Exhibition: Wolfgang Wagner-Kutschker

  • Sculpture Walk through Bremen: Sculpture Garden at the Bremen Civil Center with works by Gerhard Marcks

  • Gerhard-Marcks-House

  • Reception at the Kunstmuseum Celle on the occasion of sculpture network’s XI International Forum

Participation fee

  • sculpture network Members: 495,- €

  • Non-Members: 595,- €
    (per Person in double room)

    Single Room Surcharge: 65,- €

Benefits Included:

  • Group of 40 maximum participants guarantees exclusiveness

  • 2 overnights including breakfast in 4-star hotels

  • 2 lunches

  • 2 dinners

  • All entrance fees and guided tours

  • Travel in coaches

  • Guided tour in German and English by Dr. Jürgen Fitschen, art historian