
The Research Program La Seine was created in 2001 for young artists, whether they be French or foreign, who have completed a diploma of Master II (European standard) level, or equivalent. The aim of the Program is to provide students with the means to develop projects that they have already begun work on, in a professional context. The fact that the Program is at the École allows students to take advantage of the great variety of artistic approaches and disciplines that are present at the École.





The Program is based on a constant exchange of knowledge and skills concerning both artistic thought and practice. In addition to broadening students' knowledge, the Program La Seine aims to recreate professional working conditions as much as possible. The group dynamic and interactive nature of the Program encourages artists to compare notes on their own experiences in the studio as well as to develop their critical faculties collectively. Meetings with established artists and professionals from the world of contemporary art prove to be stimulating, enriching experiences for aspiring artists.  


The Program

The Research Program La Seine takes place over two consecutive academic years, from October to June. Every year 6 or 8 new applicants are selected.  


In the 1st semester of each year, the Program organizes: 


- meetings with visiting teachers and speakers: guest artists, exhibition organizers, art critics and other professionals as well as key personalities in contemporary art. In 2008/2009, the Program's visiting teachers included : Martin Bethenod and Jennifer Flay, Didier Fiuza Faustino, Philippe Mayaux, Marc-Olivier Wahler; 

- presentations of works-in-progress by all the students, followed by critical discussions and debates;

- individual meetings with Tony Brown for students to discuss how their work is developing;

- meetings to organize collective projects as well as other aspects of life on the Program.  


Attendance at these sessions, which are supervised by Tony Brown and occasionally a visiting teacher, is compulsory for all students.


In the 2nd semester, the Program organizes: 


- a research seminar, with a guest researcher from outside the École, on a specific research theme;

- the organization of the annual Program exhibition, which takes place during the École Open Studios Days;

- the writing of the 1st or 2nd year research paper explaining the starting point of the pupil's artistic project, the method of research and the means of production that have been used. The paper should also explain the theoretical elements that are relevant to the artistic project giving an overall view that relates it to the student's research subject;

- Possibilities of external partnerships with other institutions. 


More information:

Tel.: 33 (0)1 47 03 54 01

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