On 19, 20 en 21 november 2010 Tatiana Fiodorova and Eliane Bots exhibit their videos in WG Kunst Amsterdam.

In September 2009 Tatiana Fiodorova and Eliane Bots met in Chisinau, in the Republic of Moldova. Both of them work with video and they found out that many of their works are based on a similar theme or way of using the medium. Their work is a mix between documentary and visual art, capturing an unexpected moment or story and transform it into a new reality, a new narrative. They want to unravel hidden stories of people and places. Focusing on the daily life, the atmosphere of a place, rituals, small happenings and ‘ordinary’ people. Both artists are looking through their cameras to Post-Soviet Moldova from a different background and society (Eastern and Western Europe). In the exhibition 'Like to be near', videos will be shown that are made in the same context, Moldova, and around the same themes. Besides these similarities, the work shows differences in dealing with the material and the different point of view of both artists. 

This exhibition will be continued in Chisinau, Moldova in December-January 2010/2011. 

Website Eliane Bots: www.twosmallthings.comWebsite Tatiana Fiodorova: 
More informtion and route