
te zien van 18 mei t/m 29 juni 2013

Opening zaterdag 18 mei van 16 - 18 uur

Galerie de Witte Voet
Kerkstraat 135, 1017 ge Amsterdam
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tel/fax 020–6258412 

Openingstijden do t/m za 12–18 uur, 1e zo v/d maand 14–17 uur en op afspraak (per e-mail) 

Eerste zondag van de maand 2 juni van 14 – 17 uur Wilma Bosland gebruikt deze middag de galerie als werkvloer.

Juli en augustus is de galerie vanwege de zomervakantie gesloten

In the last few years, Wilma Bosland, (b 1956, Ouddorp), has continued to develop a remarkable series of sculptures that allude to both the clothed and unclothed body. In 2012 her work was included in Kwetsbaar Maar Robuust, (Fragile but Resilient), in Cadmium, Delft. Prior to this, she created a performance in the ancient Landesmuseum Schloss Gotorf in Germany using unfired, wet clay. Inspired by words from the Joan Armatrading song, Me-Myself-I, her current sculptures invite pensive consideration of our own personal histories, interests which are very are evident in the title of this show, for which Wilma Bosland has created an installation that places her sculptures in an expanded context.