
The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production where artists, designers and theoreticians work alongside each other and establish cross-disciplinary exchange. The Jan van Eyck Academie has positions available in the Fine Art and Design Departments for the next academic year, starting on 1 January 2011. Artists are invited to submit proposals for individual research projects; designers can apply for one of the projects formulated by the department.

Application deadline 1 October 2010


The Fine Art department offers a unique space for experimentation, production, reflection and debate. Researchers conduct their artistic research in an environment that encourages questioning of the assumptions, forms, meanings and contexts that are tied to the practice of making art today. We welcome artists, individuals and groups, without stipulating conditions regarding form, content and media.


Candidate researchers for the Design Department can apply for one of the following projects: FORBIDDEN CITY, *LATENT STARE*, NEUTRALITY, OPEN VIDEO and REMOTE SENSING.

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Jan van Eyck AcademieAcademieplein 16211 KM MaastrichtThe