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STEP Beyond Travel Grant

Through this grants scheme, we fund emerging artists and cultural workers to explore and to exchange views, skills and inspiration. We have been supporting all kinds of cross-border creativity - including music, visual art, theatre, dance, film, documentary, multimedia, design, photography, fashion and cultural capacity building.

STEP Beyond Travel Grants are designed for up-and-coming artists and cultural workers to travel between EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association), and countries bordering the EU. Priority is given to individuals who are under 35 years old and/or who are in the first 10 years of their career. The STEP Beyond funding scheme emerged from previous mobility grant programmes such as Erasmus and APEXchanges.

Join the ECF STEP Beyond Lab to check if your travel plans are eligible and to submit your application. As well as offering a quick and easy application process, the networking platform also offers the opportunity to meet other applicants.

No deadline: ongoing scheme