The Henry Moore Foundation invites applications for its grant programme. Deadline for submissions is June 6, 2014. Grants are between £ 2,500 and £ 30,000. The foundation awards grants in six categories:
• New projects: this includes exhibitions, exhibition catalogues and commissions; 
• Collections: intended to help public institutions acquire, display and conserve sculpture;
• Long-term research and development: to assist sculptural projects that require funding for more than one year, whether creative, academic or practical;
• Small research grants: grants for research on the history and interpretation of sculpture. Applicants such as academics, museum curators or independent scholars may seek funding for research costs such as photographs or travel;
• Support for artists: residencies or fellowships: grants to artists supported by host institutions, for residencies or fellowships between 2-6 months. The number of residencies or fellowships awarded will depend on the resources available in any year; 
• Conferences, lectures and publications: a publication might be a book or a journal but not an exhibition catalogue or a permanent collection catalogue.
The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture in the heart of Leeds, funded by The Henry Moore Foundation. An award-winning exhibitions venue, research centre, library and sculpture archive, the Institute hosts a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences, lectures, research, and publications that aim to expand the understanding and scholarship of historical and contemporary sculpture.
Before proceeding with an application for a grant please ensure your project fits the Foundation’s criteria for funding:
The Foundation’s grants programme is focussed on specific objectives. It is the Trustees’ policy to support sculpture, including projects and exhibitions which expand the definition of sculpture, such as film, photography and performance.  We do not support projects dedicated to painting.
The key criterion is artistic quality; practical viability is also important. 
Projects in the UK may include the work of artists from any country. 
Overseas projects must contain a British component, e.g. a British artist. 
Applications from individuals will only be accepted for the Fellowships category of grant, in conjunction with appropriate institutions. 
The Foundation does not normally provide revenue expenditure. 
No grant (or part of any grant) may be used to pay any fee or to provide any other benefit to any individual who is a Trustee of The Henry Moore Foundation. Please advise whether it is envisaged that any Trustee will have an interest in the project in respect of which a grant is sought. 
Soort: Projectsubsidie
Verstrekker: Henry Moore Foundation