
Bert van Loo heeft 3 maanden lang in Xiamen vebleven als Artist in Residence. Ook geïnteresseerd? Hij heeft ons de volgende tips gestuurd:

The Xiamen artists-in-residence program gives artists a spot where they can develop ideas, experiment and produce new work. The CEAC advises artists on how to produce their work outside their studio and shares with them a large network of local artists, companies and work sites to enable them to implement their projects in the best possible way.

The CEAC stimulates a cultural and intellectual exchange between residents, local artists and students at the Art & Design Department of Xiamen University.  Residents can be invited to give lectures or presentations about their work and guest seminars and workshops for students.

At the conclusion of their residence, artists are invited to present their research project and new work at the Art Center. The CEAC can also help mediate presentation spots in other cities in China and, for those who like to travel, CEAC offers travel advice and assistance (reserving tickets, hotels, getting visas).

Based in the Netherlands, the European branch of the CEAC regularly presents the research results of CEAC residents at various locations to an interested audience.  In addition, the European branch of the CEAC strives to promote an exchange of knowledge and collaboration with fellow specialists and artists in other disciplines by organizing lectures, debates, films and video showings.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Duration: variable

Paid by host:  Studio space, living and working accommodation, advice and assistance.

Paid by artist:  8500 rmb per month

Extra costs of individual technical assistance and making an exhibition at the conclusion of the residence depend on individual wishes, but are normally inexpensive.

Accommodation information: the apartments/studios (for two persons or a family) are furnished and fully equipped for living and working, including air co, washing machine, telephone, internet, TV and DVD player.

For more information about registration and financing options: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The exhibition space of the Chinese European Art Center (CEAC) is located in the middle of a busy shopping district near the university in the old section of the city of Xiamen. At the square in front of the Art Center, the CEAC will set up a screen soon to show videos and films. The program will feature the work of internationally renowned artists and promising young talent from China as well as abroad. Hundreds of people pass by this location every day, people who live and work in the district, students at the university, people going shopping, tourists.  The CEAC is hoping to reach an audience this way that does not generally come into contact with art and to make a contribution towards the cultural climate in this old district of the city of Xiamen.

For more information about the program, the conditions for participation and instructions on how to apply: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.