Call for artists
Deadline submissions: 03.00 PM On August 27, 2012

Dear Artist,

We are writing to invite you to submit an application for the third Sculpture by the Sea Aarhus - Denmark which to be staged along the coastal walk from Tangkrogen to Ballehage in Aarhus, Denmark from June 1 - June 30, 2013. With approximately 600,000 visitors over a period of four weeks, the exhibitions in 2009 and 2011 were fantastic successes. The exhibition is launched under the patronage of The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark. The third instalment of the exhibition is quickly establishing itself as an iconic sculpture exhibition in Denmark and Europe. In 2013 the curatorial panel will consist of:
Henrik B. Andersen, Sculptor and former Professor for Sculpture, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Professor, Department of Concept, Temporality & Space, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Lithuania;
Axel Arnott, Head Curator, Sculpture by the Sea Aarhus - Denmark;
Dr. Michael Hill, Head of Art Theory & History, National Art School, Sydney, Australia;
Marie Nipper, Chief Curator, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark;
Jesper Rasmussen, Head of The Jutland Art Academy, Denmark

Confirmed subsidies and awards for the 2013 exhibition include:
The Sculpture by the Sea, Aarhus Prize of 50,000 DKK (EUR 6,700);
The Public Choice Prize of 25,000 DKK (EUR 3,300);
The Children's Choice Prize of 25,000 DKK (EUR 3,300);
Subsidies of 10,000 DKK (EUR 1,300) for all artists

In addition ALL artists will be provided with freight for their sculptures to and from Aarhus and a maximum amount of 3,700 DKK (EUR 500) for packaging. Heavy equipment for the installation and de-installation will also be provided.

To apply for the exhibition please download an Application and Entry Form from:
Please note that the deadline for all submissions is 3:00pm on August 27, 2012.

For further information about our Aarhus exhibition visit the Danish Sculpture by the Sea website.

Please direct any enquires to Lisbeth Bruhn Gitz-Johansen: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good luck! David Handley,Founding Director

Eerdere aankondiging op onze website hierover dd 27.11.2011