
Preis für Junge Kunst

supported by STAWAG Aachen

Prize Euro 3.000

Deadline entries: 15 June, 2012

This year the NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein in cooperation with STAWAG, Stadtwerke Aachen AG, is offering for the first time an art prize for young artists from the City Region of Aachen and the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion. The prize will be awarded to an artist in the field of visual arts. Considered here are the mediums of painting, sculpture, photography, video, performance, and new media, among others. In addition to prize money of 3,000 Euros, the award includes a potential exhibition at the NAK in Fall 2012 and the printing of a publication.

The application is open to all visual artists who live and work in the Euroregion, were born or educated there, and can show documentation of their professional exhibition activities as an artist. The age limit for participants is forty (40). Deadline is 15th june 2012 (postmark date)

An international jury selects the winner: Lisette Smits, Curator, MARRES Center of Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, NL, Dirk Snauwaert, Director, WIELS Contemporary Art Center, Brussels, BE, Martin Schmidl, Artist, Aachen, DE, Astrid Wege, Curator and Publicist, Cologne, DE, Dorothea Jendricke, Director NAK, Aachen, DE

The art prize provides substantial support to the local art scene and is financed by STAWAG, the local energy provider in Aachen. “As a local concern we are connected to the Aachen region and its people. We are interested in playing an important role here in addition to providing sustainable, climate-friendly energy. The city’s appeal also includes the diversity of its contemporary art scene and its creative energies. In particular, the NAK provides artists the possibility to present new and unconventional directions in art,” explains Dr. Christian Becker, Managing Director of STAWAG, in reference to the firm’s engagement and collaboration with the NAK.