
Deadline: May 30, 2012

The “Fundació de les Arts i els Artistes” is holding Figurativas 12 which has a Painting prize of 36,000 Euro, a Sculpture Fund of 44,000 Euro and a Buying Fund of 120,000 euro for artworks.

The aim of the Foundation is to encourage and spread Figurative Art. Any artist who wishes may take part. An artwork per author will be accepted, being possible to participate in both disciplines, painting and sculpture. This work being original and as a consequence the exclusive property of the artist. Both the subject matter and the technique of the work will be free, but always within the discipline of Figurative Art.

The minimum size will be 50 cm in one of the axis, maximum will be 200 cm on its longest axis (not counting the plinth or support). There is no weight limit, but the artist must inform the organization being the case the artwork weights more than 200Kg. In October the decision will be made public in Madrid, at an act to be held in a venue yet to be determined, which will coincide with the exhibition of the works selected, presentation of the catalogue and prize-giving ceremony. The winning works will become the property of the Foundation which, having the exclusive use of them.


Only through the competition website: 
- Fill the registration form with artist and artwork details 
- Attach an artwork picture (size and file will be specified in the registration)

Once the registration has been processed, automatically you will receive an e-mail. Please, check that your data is correct in this e-mail. In case you are Pre-selected, you will receive instructions of delivery, packaging and participation conditions. Only Pre-Selected artist will proceed to the artwork delivery.


De NKvB ontraadt deelname aan wedstrijden of prijsvragen. Dat is een methode die zich uitsluitend richt op amateurs, want men vraagt immers een gratis bijdrage van de deelnemers. We raden je ten zeerste aan de voorwaarden voor deelname aan deze 'competition' nauwkeurig door te nemen en te vergelijken met de voorwaarden zoals geformuleerd in het keurmerk van de NKvB.