Deadline applications: March 24, 2012

Call for artists

prize money EUR 2.500,-

6th International Art Competition „Moved Wind“ takes place from August 19.-September 2, 2012 in the districts of Waldeck-Frankenberg and Kassel in Germany.

Fascination wind?  Global, not clear, audible in each movement, from quiet to yelling loud, from meteorological to mythological.

Artists with different cultural backgrounds express the varied aspects of the phenomenon “wind” in their own language. Valleys, heights, city landscapes form the background, constitute points of references and sometimes a counterpoint to the exhibits in the “wind-art-land” of North Hesse, Germany
AIR condition (s) is the topic of the 6th International art competition "moved wind".
air___condition____mood___atmosphere___climate____airwaves____attitude____to condition… meteorological and metaphorical associations are possible.
How can we find an expression for the elementary and invisible relationships? Artistic responses from all fields of art are asked for.
The first prize is endowed with € 2,500, the extra prize "SUN- the prize" is endowed with 1,500 €.
Schedule: announcement January 2012 / application until March 24, 2012 / notification jury selection - April 16, 2012 / Opening 19th August 2012