
2nd International Bandırma Stone Sculpture Symposium, Turkey

Deadline subscription:  April 10, 2012

Call for artists

Prize money: EUR 3.000,

The 2nd International Bandırma Stone Sculpture Symposium will take place from 14 May to 9 June 2012.

Six artists will take part in the symposium.  
Applications by artists will be evaluated by the Sculpture Symposium's Artistic Director for Bandırma Municipality.

The material used for the sculptures will be regional marble.

There is no specific theme for the symposium. However, we hope that artists will not ignore Bandırma's cultural and artistic background.

The works of art will belong to Bandırma Municipality. The Municipality may display the sculptures in museums or move them for temporary exhibitions. The artists will grant permission for the sculpting progress and the resulting works of art to be photographed or filmed. Bandırma Municipality has the right to use these visuals for promotional purposes.

The organisers will pay for lodgings, transportation, and three meals a day for the participating artists. For artists coming from abroad, Bandırma Municipality will pay for an economy class return flight from the airport nearest to the artists' home address and send it to them as an electronic ticket.

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