Deadline: 30/12/2011

Entre-Lacs is held from Monday, 21 May to Sunday, 10 June on the Villeneuve d’Ascq channel lakes (FR). During one week – from 21 to 27 May - 10 creative artists (or teams) are invited to produce an original floating work of art, emerging from water in the Lac des Espagnols.

Entre-Lacs seeks to pay tribute to original works of art where water is a key component. Water has to represent the work's medium. Water not only as a material but also as a symbolic motif.

Art/terre is held from Monday, 28 May to Sunday 3 June around the old Comines canal (BE).

During one week, 10 creative artists (or teams) are invited to produce an original work of art in which earth is a key component. Art/terre seeks to pay tribute to original works of art where earth is a key component: earth has to represent the work's medium and/or be the theme.

The theme should be interpreted as broadly as possible (earth not only as a material but also as a symbolic motif: earth has to be considered from the broadest perspective).

Art/terre and Entre-Lacs are two events which have allocations of Euro 10,000 respectively:

- each participant (or team) selected receives a payment of Euro 1,000.

- Two favourites, selected by the two organisers from the works produced at Entre-Lacs 2012 and art/terre 2012, will be put on display in a joint exhibition organised for the artists in question. This will be held during the 2012/2013 season of the Atelier 2 in Villeneuve d’Ascq.

- An exhibition of photographs taken during both events is being held at the Comines-Warneton Arts Centre/Youth and Culture Centre during the 2012/2013 season.

- A catalogue/report will be published and widely distributed.

The regulations and application package are the same for both events, the calls for projects are launched together and the application packages will also be reviewed by a single selection committee shared by art/terre and Entre-Lacs.

The organizing institutions are instead separate identities: the Arts Centre/Youth and Culture Centre in the case of art/terre and the Atelier 2 – Arts Plastiques in the case of Entre-Lacs.

Several projects may be presented by the same artist or group of artists, either for Entre-Lacs, or for art/terre, or for both events.

How to apply:

The application package has to be submitted before 31 December 2011 at the latest.

It has to be sent by post or deposited, irrespective of the event for which the package is presented:

‐ the Arts Centre/Youth and Culture Centre, Comines-Warneton, rue des Arts, 2, B-7780 Comines-Warneton

‐ or the Atelier 2 – Arts Plastiques, BP 30102, FR-Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex

and comprise:

- A curriculum vitae

- A photocopy of the identity card (front and back)

- A package featuring all records of the artist's work (photos, diagram, press cuttings,….) to provide the

jury with an overview of the candidate's artistic activities

- Photographs of recent works

- The datasheet (one sheet to be completed per project)     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.