Kuona has funding from the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Nairobi to invite 3 international artists on a 2 month fully funded residency. Artists will be given a studio at Kuona, accommodation, material allowance and a small per diem.

 Dates:   deadline for applications notification of acceptance/rejection:    1 June- 31 July 2012     -     31st January 2012- 31st February 2012

 Kuona is looking for applications from visual artists particularly from the global South, e.g. Africa, South East Asia, China, South America, Caribbean or The Netherlands.

1.  Letter of application explaining in depth why you want to come to Kuona Trust, Kenya 
6 images of your work, not larger than 500 KB each or a video, do not send links to blogs or website instead
3.  artist’s statement
4.  artist’s biography
5.  CV
6.  2 referees


1.  artists will be given a Kuona Trust studio
2.  artists will stay for the full duration of the residency and engage in Kuona activities as one of the studio artists.
3.  artists will give a visual presentation to the local artist community at the start of the residency
4.  at the end of the residency, artists will be given an exhibition or an open studio.
5.  artists will be assisted by Kuona in the event they would like to host an outreach activity or artists’ workshop
6.  The artist will write a short report about their residency before they leave Kuona.

Selection will be by panel, only those artists will be excepted contacted by the deadline above.  Once selected, Kuona will send detailed information on the residency including practical information on visas, insurance, health requirements etc. and assist with a letter of invitation and any other documentation required.

Please email your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by deadline above.