
Applications from 1st September to 30th November 2011.

Prize award from Euro 2.500 up to Euro 10.000.
Location: Witten, Germany.

30 years in the service of art - time for a new arts award in honor of contemporary artist: The Boesner art award will be presented for the first time in 2012. It recognizes outstanding achievements in the visual arts.

The competition is open to artists who work with the combination of classic and modern materials and techniques to new expressions.

The award acknowledges outstanding Boesner art artistic achievement in all genres of contemporary art (except film and video art) and will be awarded taking into account changing theme specifications. Boesner founder of the art award, the Boesner Holding GmbH + innovations. The Boesner art award consists of a cash prize of 10,000 € (first prize), 5,000 € (2nd prize) and € 2,500 (3rd prize) and is accompanied by an exhibition and catalog publication.

Admission requirements
Approved to the application process are all professional working artists who have received an artistic education and exhibition activity.

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