
Participating is possible until November 30, 2011.
Prize: Euro 15.000
Place: (nahe) Smolensk/Poland

International competition for the concept of a monument commemorating the victims of the air crash that took place near Smolensk on the 10th of April 2010.

Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

Description of the subject and goal of the competition:
- The subject of the Competition is the preparation of a concept for a monument commemorating the victims of the air crash that took place near Smolensk on the 10th of April 2010.
-The goal of the Competition is to devise a form for the monument that will be best in artistic terms and to prepare the appropriate spatial and functional solution of the designed monument in relation to its immediate surroundings.
-The preparation of the concept covers an area of approximately 400 m2. The monument’s height should not exceed 5 m. 

The Competition shall be settled by the Competition Jury.

Ideological guidelines: On the 10th of April 2010 at the Smolensk Airport the government airplane crashed bringing the demise of the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria Kaczyńska, and 94 people accompanying the Presidential Couple on their way to the ceremony of the Katyń Crime. The monument shall commemorate the victims of this last year’s national catastrophe.

Subject matter conditions

1. Location

The work refers to the area in the Russian Federation (as specified in Attachments No. I and II) on the spot of the air Cash that took place near Smolensk on the 10th of April 2010.

2. Concept of the monument

The monument should be made in durable material of good quality. The artists are granted the freedom of artistic expression and to adapt the conventions of the author’s proposal.

3. Concept of the area management

The concept of management of the area around the monument should be of a harmonious nature in relation to its surroundings.

Regulations of the international competition see: