
Deadline: 11 November 2011.

The Italian Cultural Association MoCA (Modern Contemporary Art), in collaboration with Arte Laguna, organizes the Sixth International Art Prize “Arte Laguna” aimed at promoting and enhancing the contemporary art. The total value of the awards is 170.000 euro’s. The Prize obtained a medal by the Italian Head of State, with the patronage of, among others, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  the Veneto Region, the European Institute of Design. The Prize offers: money prizes; the organization of an important collective exhibition in Venice; exhibitions in Art Galleries; Art Residences and the publication of the official Catalogue. The Prize is divided into five sections: painting, photographic art, sculpture, video and performance, virtual art.

Sculpture and installation – any organic or inorganic material. In the works sounds, lights, videos, mechanical or electrical movements can be used. The maximum dimensions allowed per each works are: base 4 meters, depth 4 meters, height 4 meters, weight 150 kg*.
The artist, if selected as finalist for the collective exhibition, has to provide to the Organization all the necessary material in order to exhibit the artwork and supervise personally the setting up.
*Artworks with an higher weight are allowed. In this case it is artist's complete responsibility to carry the artwork and also to proceed with every step of its installation, from the initial assemblage to the final disinstallation.
Video Art and animation - film, video and works with all the animation techniques on any digital and analog support. The works has to last as maximum 15 minutes, opening title and closing credits included. For the exhibition the artist has to send original works saved on DVD in high quality and in formats compatible with mastly used reading systems.


The selection of the artworks will be carried out by the Jury composed by experts and important professionals of Contemporary Art:

PRIZE Sculpture: 7,000 euros*, PRIZE Videoart and Performance: 7,000 euros* 
* The awarded artworks will remain artists’ property. Withholding tax of 25% on money prizes. The money prizes will be given during the awarding ceremony.
SPECIAL PRIZE BUSINESS FOR ART - Reserved for artists who participate with 2 works in the same section "STILE Original Design" € 8000* money prize + realization of an art project to be defined with the selected artist.
SPECIAL PRIZES "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE" - Reserved for artists who participate with 2 works in the same section.

Conditions of participation
All the artists can apply on-line or by mail (it is considered the date on the postmark) within 11st November 2011. Application fee Euro 50 for 1 work, Euro 90 for 20 works in the same section.

See website: