
The shape and appearance of public space, its architectonic composition and visual design – by means of functional elements, commercial media and advertisements, objects of beautification and representation – are expressions of a region's culture. Additionally, other aspects such as fashion and means of transport used by people in public places determine the latter's design and character. In line with “Public Art – a Programme by the Department of Arts and Culture”, in 2012 the City of Munich subsidises projects dealing with the issues mentioned above, with a budget of up to €150,000 per project. The proposals submitted should particularly focus on the creative nature of public space and include aspects of design, architecture, fine art, fashion and light. The implications of public space on social life and communication should also be considered. Professionals from different areas such as design, architecture, fine and performing art, fashion, landscape and light design, and music are explicitly being invited to submit proposals. The City of Munich wishes to support co-operative as well as interdisciplinarily developed projects making use of various types of media and having a process-oriented and temporary character.

Submitted proposals should show consideration of education and communication strategies, as these are a crucial part of the realisation of art projects – especially in public space.

Requirements (for formally correct applications):

1. a coherent concept in writing (up to three A4 pages, images/visualisations if possible,

either in German or in English)

2. a specification of the project's duration/ time span

3. an indication of location or at least thoughts on possible locations (potentially a first

assessment of necessary authorisations/ licenses and viability)

4. a list of costs/ budgeting

4.1 project costs: e.g. planning, realisation, licenses, dismantling

4.2 operational costs: e.g. servicing, supervision, insurance

4.3 artists' fees

4.4 communication activities

4.5 other sponsors, total funding

5. significant vita of the applicant/s or participating individuals

Deadline for submissions: Friday, 21 October 2011

The submission of proposals in a pdf format via email is preferred. Please make sure that the total
size of the attached documents does not exceed 10MB.
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
postal address: Landeshauptstadt München
Kulturreferat Abteilung 1, Herr Erwin Hartel
Burgstr. 480331 München Germany
The mailbox at the town hall entrance (Rathauspforte), Marienplatz München can also be used for