
DEADLINE: APRIL 1 annually

Women’s Studio Workshop offers a six- to eight-week residency for an artist working in printmaking, papermaking, photography, book arts, or ceramics. This residency supports the creation of a new body of work in one of WSW’s studio disciplines.

The grant includes a $2,000 artists’ stipend, up to $500 for materials to be used for the project at WSW, travel stipend, housing and unlimited studio use. The artist will be provided with technical advice and assistance in production. WSW welcomes applications from artists in all stages of their careers. This Request for Proposal is a two-step juried process, working with outside funding sources. WSW selects the artist, then sends their work to appropriate funders for final approval. WSW has a successful track record with funders for this project.

Application must include:

  • The application form
  • A one-page description of the project you will be working on at WSW
  • Resume
  • CD with ten images of recent work and a slide script that includes title, media, dimension and date. Please format and name images as specified on our FAQ sheet (
  • S.A.S.E. for return of materials


P.O. Box 489
Rosendale, NY 12472
845.658.9133 | info [at] wsworkshop [dot] org