
20110402MuseumOfSpeechAntwerpenWith works and interventions by John Latham, Mladen Stilinović, Nina Beier, Laure Prouvost, Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, Ian Breakwell, Kris Kimpe. Extra City - Kunsthal Antwerpen is a platform for the production, presentation and debate of artistic practices. Extra City's international exhibition program focuses on contemporary artistic developments from Belgium and abroad, including historical positions that are of key relevance for today's discourses.

Museum of Speech inaugurates a series of three presentations that investigate the mechanisms and negotiations through which art and the institution share or divide the spaces they cohabit. Continuing with Museum of Display and concluding with A Slowdown at the Museum, the series relies, as narrative pretext, on the accelerated scenario of a fictional art institution. Neither an allegory of the future programming at Extra City, nor the critique of a localized, specific way of handling art, this narrative of rise, obstruction, disintegration or renewal intersects different understandings of the ‘museum’ and the demands for particular conditions of encounter made by the artworks.

Extra City, Kunsthal Antwerpen, Tulpstraat 79, BE-2060 Antwerp
Exhibition: 25 maart 2011 - 1 mei 2011
Opening hours during exhibition periods: Wednesday – Sunday 14:00 – 19:00
Thursday 14:00 – 20:00, closed on public holidays
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