
Een dankwoord van Sculpture Network 

Dear guests of the New Year's Brunch 2010, Thank you very much for attending the sculpture network New Year's Brunch 2010 last Sunday. We hope you had a good time with fruitful conversations and interesting encounters. The New Year's Brunch was a great success!

More than 600 people at 19 locations in 6 countries gathered to celebrate the New Year and toast to the art of sculpture. There was a lot of discussion and exchange about sculpture and its creators, origin of exciting ideas and projects and the development of new friendships. Some hosts provided book tables where all present sculptors could display their catalogues (similar to the Showroom of our symposia). This idea has been very much appreciated by the guests and resulted in intensive discussions about the art works.

At 1 PM all locations toasted simultaneously to the New Year and our common interest in sculpture and a greeting of the Board of sculpture network was read out. Several locations were connected via Skype and communicated with each other; Berlin, Munich, Madrid and Amsterdam have even been connected via video transmission. We hope that next year this virtual exchange will be possible in even more locations. On our website you can find a comprehensive documentation of the event with pictures, the list of participants and much more:

We would like to use this occasion to express our heartfelt thank you to all 19 hosts who very spontaneously offered their studios and gallery spaces to welcome our members and guests. Do you have any suggestions, critical comments or ideas for our brunch next year? Please write us a short message. We are looking forward to your thoughts!

We would be very happy to welcome all of you again next year and would like to invite you already today to our New Year's Brunch 2011 on Sunday 16th of January 2011.