
logosculpturenetwork.jpgVanaf 28 september 2009 is de Nederlandse Kring van Beeldhouwers als organisatie aangesloten bij Sculpture Network. De Kring is een grote landelijke vereniging van ruimtelijk werkende beeldend kunstenaars en daarom ziet het bestuur dit collectieve lidmaatschap als een volgende belangrijke stap naar verdere internationalisering.

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Hieronder de beknopte doelstellingen en het programma van Sculpture Network:


Goals and programme

We strive

- to improve the working and advancement possibilities for sculptors and their art

- to achieve recognition of the uniqueness and social relevance of three-dimensional art

- to increase the general understanding and acceptance of sculpture

- to improve the perception of and regard for sculpture in public and in the minds of individuals

This we attain through

- development and maintenance of an international network

- publication of a monthly Newsletter in German, English and Spanish

- organisation of projects, international symposia and Regional Members´Meetings

- initiation of cooperation and collaboration among cultural organisations, museums and art institutes

- founding of sponsorships and exchange programmes

- establishing of a Young Artist Award for up-and-coming artists

- discussion on the current essential requirements for sculptural art

- international political discourse on topics of culture, particularly on sculpture

- work with the media