

Expanded Performance: lecture Anthony Huberman

Thursday 11 October 2012, 8 pm
Location: Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Entrance: free

A reservation is required: see website

Anthony Huberman is one of the main sources of inspiration for Expanded Performance.

Anthony Huberman is a curator and writer based in New York, where he is currently the Director of The Artist's Institute and a Distinguished Lecturer at Hunter College. Previously, he worked as Chief Curator of the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Curator of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and Curator of SculptureCenter in New York, and has organized a wide variety of independent projects around the world. He also directed the education and public programming at MoMA P.S.1, where he initiated WPS1, the museum's radio station. He has published texts in Artforum, Afterall, Dot Dot Dot, Flash Art, Bomb, and Mousse, as well as in many exhibition catalogues.