2012 is a key decision-making year during which the EU budget 2014-2020 will be voted upon by Members of the European Parliament and Ministers from the Member States. 

EU support to culture over the next seven years is at stake and the negotiations over the first four months of 2012 will be crucial. 

The campaign 'we are more - act for culture in Europe' calls for vital support for culture in the next EU budget and wants to collect 100.000 signatures and present them to the Culture Ministers of all EU Member States when they gather in Brussels for the EU Council of Culture Ministers the 10th of May 2012.

Act for culture in Europe and sign the manifesto now:

Culture Action Europe - Rue de la Science 10 -  B-1000 Brussels
T. +32 2 534 4002  -   F. +32 2 534 1150

we are more is a Europe-wide arts advocacy campaign launched by Culture Action Europe in strategic partnership with the European Cultural Foundation.